Did you know that for many children – the food they eat at school may be the only food they get on a regular basis? This fact makes it even more important that the meals these children get are of the highest quality, and that the highest standards from farm to table are maintained. These high standards and quality are just as important for hospitals and inpatient institutions. School lunches are a primary focus in ongoing discussions about our children’s health and education connection.
Healthy and quality protein
An increasing number of school lunches and lunch programs are focusing on adding more meat products to their lunch menus. Poultry, pork and beef – served in a way to stimulate appetites will add the needed protein that children and hospitalized patients need, but may not be getting from their current diets.
It is human nature to be a meat-lover
Humans have a shorter digestive system than herbivores and can’t always digest cellulose, which is the main fiber in plants. We have canine teeth and large brains – as well as opposing thumbs – which give us the ability to make tools to hunt with. Archeologists have found evidence that we were meat eaters 1.5 million years ago.
Meat and nutrients
No matter who you serve, high quality meat is high in many nutrients that cannot be found in plants. The B-vitamins, iron, zinc selenium and other minerals and vitamins are found only in meat. Omega-3 is often associated primarily with fish, but is also found in other meat sources.
A successful study cited in an abstract published by the United States National Library of Medicine debunks the theory that red meat causes coronary heart disease, stroke and diabetes. The study concludes that processed meat increases the changes of these conditions, but red meat, poultry and pork do not.
On our own, we cannot produce the amino acids we need – we must get them from our diet. Animal protein contains all of the amino acids that bodies require to function properly.
Animal proteins are associated with healthy and increased muscle mass and bone health. Protein consumption is associated with increased bone density as people age, and lowers the risk of osteoporosis.
The importance of providing quality school lunches
Companies with low standards are the ones that often make the news. There are many meat producers who exceed the standards for quality products. These companies take pride in the variety and quality of their products as well as the standards in which they prepare their meat.
The importance of providing healthy and high quality meals for school children, hospitals and other institutions cannot be over emphasized. Beef, poultry and pork from a quality provider should be part of the menu planning for a balanced and healthy meal.
Expect the best and get the best from BSI Foods
The importance of providing healthy and high quality meals cannot be over emphasized. Beef, poultry and pork from a quality provider should be part of the menu planning for a balanced and healthy meal. Ask for BSI Foods and Tyson food products by name at your local grocer or retailer.
BSI Foods is the best source of beef, chicken and pork products with the highest quality, competitive pricing and reliable portion control products. If you are a grocer, food retailer, institution, school or hospital, Call today (972) 501-1484 to get the latest list of product offerings and pricing. You can also connect with us via email. Learn more about BSI Foods Food Service, BSI Foods Export, BSI Foods Retail and BSI Foods Products. Contact BSI Foods TODAY!!! If you are a busy family looking for a great meal at a great cost, tell your grocer to contact BSI Foods today.